Stupid Nigger
Ain't got no dog gone sense
He couldn't even make it as a dog
Don't know how to listen
When I say "come here!"
Then come dammit!
When I say"get!"
Then get!
Just to think
This one is mixed
On top of that
Full grown
Too late to teach this mutt manners
All it understands is getting hit
Train it like a mutt
Just yell and hit it
All day long
When it gets out of line
I just grab the whip
Then it's attitude changes
When it lacks manners
I whip it into shape
To make it act in a more desired manner
May not understand good English
But it understands a whipping
I thank the good ol' lord I train it that way
That way I get my labor done
I give the mutt chores
No one interacts with it
No more of it's kind for a few miles
That way I'm not threatened of any alliances
Or it running off
I share it with my neighbors sometimes
That nigger is probably the most valuable thing I own
Dependent I've become
My life would be lost without it
Sometimes I glance at the scars of it's back
You know?
The one's I gave em'
A part of me wonders if it will ever get used to the whippings
Ah hell!
What does it matter?
Whatever it takes to keep it from turning and running
As long as that nigger is alive
It'll never realize
I need it more than it needs me
And that comforts me til the day I die
Maybe my nigger will be gracious enough to bury me

Ain't got no dog gone sense
He couldn't even make it as a dog
Don't know how to listen
When I say "come here!"
Then come dammit!
When I say"get!"
Then get!
Just to think
This one is mixed
On top of that
Full grown
Too late to teach this mutt manners
All it understands is getting hit
Train it like a mutt
Just yell and hit it
All day long
When it gets out of line
I just grab the whip
Then it's attitude changes
When it lacks manners
I whip it into shape
To make it act in a more desired manner
May not understand good English
But it understands a whipping
I thank the good ol' lord I train it that way
That way I get my labor done
I give the mutt chores
No one interacts with it
No more of it's kind for a few miles
That way I'm not threatened of any alliances
Or it running off
I share it with my neighbors sometimes
That nigger is probably the most valuable thing I own
Dependent I've become
My life would be lost without it
Sometimes I glance at the scars of it's back
You know?
The one's I gave em'
A part of me wonders if it will ever get used to the whippings
Ah hell!
What does it matter?
Whatever it takes to keep it from turning and running
As long as that nigger is alive
It'll never realize
I need it more than it needs me
And that comforts me til the day I die
Maybe my nigger will be gracious enough to bury me
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